Scans are performed in different positions to detect instability. Back and joint pain are often worse when sitting or standing and improved by lying down. In our upright MRI, clients will be scanned lying down and sitting or standing. This is equivalent to performing two separate MRI scans which improves the chances of finding the cause of pain.
Our upright MRI scanner offers individuals an unprecedented level of comfort. The open design minimizes or eliminates claustrophobia. The quiet atmosphere reduces fear an promotes relaxation. The ability to watch television or listen to music provides a pleasant distraction during your medical investigation. People with a spinal deformity or other medical problems that impair their ability to lie down can be scanned while sitting or standing.
For us, having the client sit, stand or bend in the position that gives them pain helps us to better diagnose where their pain may be coming from, and in turn, provide a better treatment plan.
The advanced technology of Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning allows your health care provider to see blood vessels, muscles, joints, tumors , areas of infection and much more - with incredible clarity without the use of x-rays, surgery or any pain.
The MRI scanner creates a magnetic field, sending radio waves through your body, and then measuring the response with a computer. An image of the inside of your body is created and is much clearer than what can be obtained from most other methods.
Traditional MRIs send client's head first down a confined, noisy tunnel. With our MRI, clients walk right in to the open machine and can even watch television in a quiet environment while the scan is being done. Clients are not exposed to any radiation with an MRI, unlike x-rays or CT scans.
We have the only upright MRI machine in Canada which has proven to help diagnose the point of pain more accurately and is also much more comfortable for our clients. We welcome walk-ins and, in general, you rarely have to wait 2 weeks for an appointment. We help to ease your pain quickly - because when you are in pain, nothing else matters.
Many think that MRI scans are thousands of dollars. We offer clients MRI scans for as little as $995 and up. Please contact us and we will give you an estimated cost based on the part of your body needing a scan.
The image quality produced by our MRI Scanner is exceptionally good, and all studies are reported by specialist radiologists. Claustrophobia is not a problem with our scanner either. Moreover, our scanner can be used in a variety of clinical situations where conventional MRI is unsuitable, and can sometimes reveal pathology not identified with conventional MRI systems.