Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle technique that employs the knowledge of the lymphatic system and uses subtle hand motions to assist in clearing fluid. It was first invented by Dr. Emil Vodder in 1932, and adapted by Dr.'s Michael and Ethel Foeldi to include compression and exercise for the now gold standard treatment of lymphedema - Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT).
This gentle mobilization of the soft tissue increase the uptake and transport of lymph and interstitial fluid. This lymph fluid ultimately empties into the blood circulation. Following treatment many patients report feeling generalized relaxation, and increased urine output due to the movement of fluid.
Manual lymphatic drainage can be used to increase local uptake of fluid in various conditions including:
Please inform your physiotherapist if you have any of the following conditions:
CDT is a treatment approach developed with two phases, an intensive phase, and a home care management phase to address lymphedema. The intensive phase involves being seen by a certified lymphedema therapist (CLT) 3-5 days a week for 1-2 hours at a time. This phase lasts on average 2 weeks, but may last longer depending on severity of symptoms. The patient will then transition to a home care phase with compression garments.
It is endorsed by The Canadian Lymphedema Framework, the International Lymphedema Framework, and the National Lymphedema Network, among others, as the gold standard approach to treatment. While there is no cure for lymphedema at this time the symptoms can be well managed with this approach.
When CDT is administered by a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT), research has shown the most common outcomes to be limb volume reductions of 50-70%.
Lymphedema predisposes patients to an increased risk of cellulitis (a sudden infection that requires antibiotics immediately as it can spread very quickly to the bloodstream). CDT assists in moving stagnant fluid in the limb, teaches patients risk reduction practices, and reinforces the importance of skin care which will reduce the risk of cellulitis.
If you have questions about CDT please contact Amanda (Certified Lymphatic Therapist) at the Welcome Back Clinic.